[vcf-midatlantic] Ebay Auction large Apple collection

Dean Notarnicola dnotarnicola at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 10:08:13 EDT 2020

Assuming everything was working, there would be maybe eight things I would
care to keep out of the entire lot, and it would barely be worth the $10K
starting bid, even considering any recovery from selling the remaining
items. May be worth it if someone has the means and wants an

On Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 9:37 AM Bill Degnan via vcf-midatlantic <
vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:

> Curious if anyone has more info on this Ebay auction:
> https://www.ebay.com/itm/AMAZING-Vintage-Apple-Computer-Museum-lot-Mac-Apple-II-Lisa-Mac-XL-RARE/333631279215
> The lot appeared to have been sold already before but I guess the deal fell
> through and it's up again.  Whenever these large collections go up for sale
> it's always a crap shoot as you get a lot of stuff you don't want for the
> few things you do.  The value of these kinds of collections is based  on
> the four or five good items, the rest is a wash against the extra trouble
> to cart such a large collection away and store it.
> I am not personally interested, but I am curious if anyone in this group
> would pay the current price.
> Bill

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