[vcf-midatlantic] Paper Tape readers from CNC machines

Bill Degnan billdegnan at gmail.com
Mon May 18 13:51:21 EDT 2020

Have you seen this:

On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 1:33 PM Bill Degnan <billdegnan at gmail.com> wrote:

> question for you - what power does yours use, did yours come with a power
> supply?
> On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 1:32 PM Bill Degnan <billdegnan at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Jeff,
>> I have one coming to me in the mail today...FANUC A860 with a
>> A20B-0004-0270 controller,  so I am right there with you.  I have found
>> that what you need to dump tapes from one of these is a "behind the tape
>> reader" (BTR) that attaches to the punch / OUT port of the reader.  You can
>> buy a used BTR compatible with the reader or create your own with an
>> arduino.   In my case the DOSTEK-440A appears to be the ticket, but there
>> are others out there.  New ones are pricey so I can see why people make
>> them with Arduino's.
>> Reader --> punch port-->  BTR --> PC RS232 port.
>> There are a few vendors out there but they're not too helpful to the
>> vintage computing enthusiast IMHO....so I learned everything I needed to
>> through a few hours of Google.
>> DOSTEK is a program that runs on the PC that can manipulate tape images,
>> but I am sure TeraTerm and a HEX editor would also work.
>> Bill
>> On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 12:45 PM Jeff G via vcf-midatlantic <
>> vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
>>> Hey all, some of you may have grabbed one (or more) of the paper tape
>>> readers readily available on ebay that likely have come from CNC
>>> machines.
>>> I was just wondering if anyone has actually made these work?
>>> It seems many of these have a standard pinout/spec depending on what CNC
>>> controller they were connected to.I had one I bought some time ago, a
>>> Sanyo-Denki 2401 model, and it seems this was often used on a Yasnac
>>> 2000G
>>> controller, and has a 40pin ribbon cable connection, whereas others use a
>>> 50pin ribbon cable (on Fanuc controllers).
>>> Just wondering if anyone has ever gotten one of these running, or perhaps
>>> knows anything about them? I spent a couple hours with mine yesterday and
>>> determined most of the pinout, but I don't know what voltages the power
>>> input should be.
>>> I have a bunch of notes and the data side is relatively simple, its the
>>> control side I'm struggling to sort out.
>>> Jeff aka Bags

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