[vcf-midatlantic] Swap Meet Good Weather Predicted Saturday 11/7
Jeffrey Brace
jeffrey at vcfed.org
Thu Nov 5 19:45:27 EST 2020
Looks like it will be in the 60's on Saturday, Sunny and not too much wind.
There might be some fog in the early morning which will clear out quickly.
We have about 15 vendors so far (even with 2 that have dropped out). Based
on inquiries we will be adding a few more soon.
Bill Inderriden and I will be doing some setup Friday and early morning
Please fill out the reservation form and send payment ASAP!
We need to know when we setup the vendor spaces in the parking lot on
Here is the info in case anyone still needs it.
*Vendors: $20 for 1st space, $10 for each additional space.*
*DATE*: November 7, 2020 (RAIN DATE: November 8, 2020)
*TIME*: 9AM to 6PM
*LOCATION*: *Huge Parking lot on Monmouth Boulevard between Watson Road and
Taft Street in Wall, NJ*
Across from InfoAge Museum and Brookdale College
GPS location: 40.1848793,-74.0630848
Google Maps: Click Here
Satellite Map Click Here
Flyer – PNG
Flyer – PDF
*WEBSITE*: http://vcfed.org/wp/vcf-swap-meet
*EMAIL*: swapmeet at vcfed.org
*PHONE*: 732-722-5015
If you are interested in renting a space, please fill out this Reservation
Form <https://forms.gle/mMwtVXmEcHKPEpYAA>
Jeff Brace
Vice President & Board Member
Vintage Computer Festival East Show-runner
Vintage Computer Federation is a 501c3 charity
jeffrey at vcfed.org
cell: 732-759-1783
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