[vcf-midatlantic] Swap meet was successful!
sentrytv at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 7 20:12:12 EST 2020
Sounds like a plan!
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My extremely complicated, hand held electronic device.
> On Nov 7, 2020, at 7:46 PM, Martin Flynn <maflynn at theflynn.org> wrote:
> Mike,
> I'm an ARRL member and can post the next event on behalf of VCF if directed to do so.
> Martin
>> On 11/7/2020 7:31 PM, Sentrytv wrote:
>> I would like to say I was happy to have attended this event as a seller and buyer.
>> I did reasonably well selling items and picked up a couple things that I needed.
>> I wouldn’t consider this criticism, but I would say one thing.
>> To come up with more ways to advertise the event.
>> To Work with the antique radio guys & post the event in the ARRL calendar website if possible.
>> Through the different places to get the publics attention.
>> I posted notices and events on Craigslist and Facebook.
>> I’m looking forward to doing this again at Festivus, hopefully!
>> Thank you
>> Mike Rosen
>> Sent from:
>> My extremely complicated, hand held electronic device.
>>>> On Nov 7, 2020, at 7:15 PM, Jeffrey Brace via vcf-midatlantic <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
>>> We had 20 vendors and dozens of buyers. The weather was great. Logistics
>>> worked well. Everyone seemed happy. VCF raised a decent amount of money for
>>> warehouse renovations. It seemed like vendors sold enough to be profitable
>>> and get some good stuff from other vendors.
>>> I got a lot of great constructive criticism about the event which was most
>>> welcome. I took notes on how to improve for next time. This was the first
>>> time VCF did a swap meet and we did a decent job. Any other feedback on
>>> improving for next time would be great. Either replying here or privately.
>>> We are hoping to do one or two swap meets per year.
>>> I want to thank all the vendors who came.
>>> I want to thank all the volunteers who helped with setup, especially Bill
>>> Inderreiden who made and put up and took down all the roadside signs.
>>> Thanks to Tony, Adam, Dean for getting all the VCF warehouse stuff for sale
>>> and taking back at the end.
>>> Chris Fala for help in breakdown.
>>> And to Corey and his son for helping at the main desk.
>>> Onto the next event!
>>> --
>>> =========================================
>>> Jeff Brace
>>> Vice President & Board Member
>>> Vintage Computer Festival East Show-runner
>>> Vintage Computer Federation is a 501c3 charity
>>> http://www.vcfed.org/
>>> jeffrey at vcfed.org
>>> cell: 732-759-1783
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