[vcf-midatlantic] Festivus and Covid-19

Jeffrey Brace jeffrey at vcfed.org
Sun Nov 15 17:02:16 EST 2020

So I'm currently monitoring the spike in cases in NJ and in the region as
well as the guidelines.
As of today Festivus is still on.
The current guidelines are:
General indoor gatherings must be limited to 25 people or 25% of a room's
capacity -- whichever number is lower.
All attendees at indoor gatherings must wear face coverings and stay six
feet apart.
The plan that I have will follow these guidelines.
If the guidelines change to something less (i.e. no more than 10), then I
will have to cancel.
I will make a call by December 7.
Festivus is scheduled for December 12 & 13.
Even if I cancel it, there is no reason why I can't reschedule it to July
or any other month. It might even work out better for some people.

Jeff Brace
Vice President & Board Member
Vintage Computer Festival East Show-runner
Vintage Computer Federation is a 501c3 charity
jeffrey at vcfed.org
cell: 732-759-1783

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