[vcf-midatlantic] VIC-20-Hyper-Expander

Christian Liendo cliendo at gmail.com
Tue Nov 24 08:15:09 EST 2020

I saw this on facebook and I figured some people would be interested


The Hyper Expander is a cartridge for the Commodore VIC-20, which
provides up to 16kB EPROM and up to 32kB RAM. It is a super-set of the
original Commodore VIC-1211A Super Expander, which provides only 3k of

The Hyper Expander can hold up to two 27C512 EPROMs, the 8k memory
bank of both EPROMs (A13...A15) can be selected for both EPROMs. The
same selection applies to both of them. Each EPROM (IC1 and IC2) can
be jumpered to two chip selects. That is BLK2 or BLK5 for IC1 and BLK1
or BLK3 for IC2.

The RAM is a 32kB 62256 type static RAM. The memory is divided into
four banks. A 74LS148 decodes the active chip selects to one of each
memory bank. The used chip selects can be configured with JP5 and JP4.

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