[vcf-midatlantic] Cleaning Franklin cases

Jameel Akari jakari at bithose.com
Wed Oct 14 10:23:28 EDT 2020

On Sun, 11 Oct 2020, Bob Applegate via vcf-midatlantic wrote:

> This is an update of my progress with cleaning up some old Franklin 
> machines in my collection.  I’ve got five ACE-1x00 systems from mid-1982 
> through early 1984 that were in various states of disrepair.
> I followed Jameel’s suggestion of Seventh Generation Multi-Sruface 
> Cleaner, mostly because my wife had a bottle of it already.  Sprayed 
> that stuff on, let it sit a few seconds, scrubbed a bit, then hosed off 
> a lot of really dirty mess.  It was a huge improvement without anything 
> else.

Glad it worked for you!

Incidentally this stuff is out of stock more often than not in retail 
stores, but you can get gallon jugs from WB Mason office supply, as well 
as Webstaurantstore.com.

> Used retr0brite on one of the cases to see if it would make much 
> difference.  Franklins were originally yellow (engineering referred to 
> it as “piss yellow”) so I wasn’t sure the de-yellowing would show much 
> difference.  My wife said the extra cleaning was noticeable to her eyes, 
> so I did the same treatment for the other cases.  They probably look 
> almost as good now as when they were first made.

Peroxide cleans/bleaches a lot of other organic stains even if it's not 
reacting with the plastic in the retr0brite way.  I do remember Franklins 
in school looking "old" compared to Apples of the same general age.

Aside: if something /smells/ funky, peroxide is an option for remediating 
that. Things you learn when you have a vengeful cat who needs to make a 
statement against your equipment. :/

Jameel Akari

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