[vcf-midatlantic] Repair Workshop for VCF owned artifacts Oct 24 & 25, 2020

Jeffrey Brace jeffrey at vcfed.org
Fri Oct 23 08:00:00 EDT 2020

VCF has a list of artifacts that need repair in the museum and the
warehouse. We are looking for volunteers to come and help us repair them.
Anything is fair game to repair *with permission*. These are artifacts
either in the museum or warehouse. We want to get the ones in the
museum working first as we like to have as much hands on working computers
in the museum as possible.

We are also looking for good or better demos for the computers in the

Any volunteers working on VCF stuff are *not* charged a fee this repair day
and stay for free in the Sandy bunkroom. VCF will likely even pay for a
simple breakfast (Dunkin Donuts) and lunch (Pizza).

Date: October 24 & 25, 2020
Time: 10AM to midnight (24th), 10AM to 6PM (25th)
Building: CDL, 9032A

Signup here:

Mac Portable (needs good power supply and machine testing)
TI Portable
HeathKit H89
Zorba (monitor)

Mac Portable
TRS-80 Color 2
Challenger 2P
Atari Mega STE?
Sinclair SX 80 clone
SX 81
TRS-80 Model I
Osbourne 1
HeathKit H89
Commodore PET
Atari 1040ST
Amiga 1000
Commodore PET

Jeff Brace
Vice President & Board Member
Vintage Computer Festival East Show-runner
Vintage Computer Federation is a 501c3 charity
jeffrey at vcfed.org
cell: 732-759-1783

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