[vcf-midatlantic] VCF East Swap Meet - Save the Date - Saturday November 7 (Rain: Sunday November 8)
sentrytv at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 13 15:20:32 EDT 2020
I agree with Jeff because the TCF didn’t happen you should get a lot of people interested unfortunately it’s gonna be pretty cold well that’s hope it stays warm
Count me in
Mike Rosen
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My extremely complicated, hand held electronic device.
> On Sep 13, 2020, at 2:07 PM, Jeff Galinat via vcf-midatlantic <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
> Hi Adam,
> Excellent! Even though I am a little bummed as I live in AZ now instead
> of NJ, this is great news! Swap meets have been a large part of the vintage
> computer and ham radio communities for years. I still find occasional
> vintage computer items at hamfests but a vintage computer swap meet would
> be great for the hobby. In years past, I pushed for a swap meet with
> previous management but the response was "It would be too much like a
> hamfest and hamfests are dying".
> One of the largest draws for TCF was the flea market and I had many great
> finds over the years but they effectively killed the flea market by moving
> it in to a small room.
> I still have a good amount of vintage equipment in NJ so maybe I can
> participate in a future event if it happens next year.
> Best of luck with the event,
> Jeff
>> On Sun, Sep 13, 2020, 9:32 AM Adam Michlin via vcf-midatlantic <
>> vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> Alas, there will be no consignment at our hybrid VCF East coming up, but
>> we have decided to try something new and have an *outdoor* Swap Meet.
>> Vendors (which can be individuals) will be able to rent space and people
>> will be able to attend the event for the very modest fee of $5. All VCF
>> surplus will also be on sale at this event.
>> DATE: Saturday, November 7, with Rain Date Sunday, November 8
>> Location: InfoAge, 2201 Marconi Road Wall, NJ 07719
>> $20 for vendors for first space, $10 for each additional space. 4 spaces
>> $5 for admissions for general public
>> We want to emphasize this will be an *outdoor* event
> I'm particulary excited about this because, back in the 1990s, my first
>> stint (habit, if you prefer) of vintage computer collecting was
>> supported by attending regular computer swap meets in Silicon Valley at
>> De Anza College and Lawrence Livermore Labs. The enthusiam at
>> consignment each year tells me we are ripe to bring something like this
>> back on a regular basis, but, of course, COVID make things trickier than
>> usual.
>> Best wishes,
>> -Adam
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