[vcf-midatlantic] VCF Museum on Wheels!
Mike Loewen
mloewen at cpumagic.scol.pa.us
Fri Apr 2 01:27:07 UTC 2021
Bob Albrecht was actually doing this in 1971, driving around the Bay Area
in a VW bus with a PDP8.
On Thu, 1 Apr 2021, Chris Fala via vcf-midatlantic wrote:
> The more you guys talk about this, the more I want to actually do it!
> On Thu, Apr 1, 2021 at 6:53 PM Sentrytv via vcf-midatlantic <
> vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
>> What would really be cool is to get one of those car shows on TV that do
>> rebuilds, upgrades and Restorations to get involved.
>> Getting it on TV would be great.
>> A Tesla mobile vintage computer museum.
>> Could be free advertising for the group.
>> Wouldn?t hurt InfoAge either.
>> Maybe the ?learning channel??
>> Or the history channel - A&E ?
>> ?American Pickers?meet VCF?
>> 2 coins worth
>> Sent from:
>> My extremely complicated, hand held electronic device.
>>> On Apr 1, 2021, at 6:24 PM, Jeffrey Brace via vcf-midatlantic <
>> vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Apr 1, 2021 at 10:16 AM Andrew Diller via vcf-midatlantic <
>>> vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
>>>>> On Apr 1, 2021, at 9:04 AM, Bill Degnan via vcf-midatlantic <
>>>> vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
>>>>> That is so awesome!
>>>>> Can I drive it?
>>>> Tesla is providing all the driving AI upgrades at zero cost. There is no
>>>> driver for the bus as I understand it. That space (drivers seat) is
>> being
>>>> used for a workingPDP-11.
>>> Yes, in fact we do have the driverless option and our idea was to have
>>> docents follow behind the vehicle in a period appropriate Pinto. However
>>> Corey squashed that idea because of liability reasons.
>>> Since it's electric we can use the batteries to run the exhibits. The
>> bus
>>> will shut down the computers and kick the kids out when the batteries get
>>> low so it can still make it home.
>>>> -andy
Mike Loewen mloewen at cpumagic.scol.pa.us
Old Technology http://q7.neurotica.com/Oldtech/
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