[vcf-midatlantic] Bag-o-chips sorting, storing, testing

Chris Fala chrisjpf33 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 21 17:48:39 UTC 2021

I second the note about static damage.

On Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 12:31 PM Herb Johnson via vcf-midatlantic <
vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:

> I looked at the photos of the donated chips. Most of them are
> plastic-bagged and labeled when in quantity. Generally, "what to do" is
> to make a PAPER list of those tags and bags, and keep it with the box o'
> bagged chips. Then you have a box of bagged chips with catalog. And in
> this matter, don't use plastic boxes, they generate static. Paper is
> fine; there's antistat boxes made too but that's excessive in this
> matter. Problem solved.
> A couple exceptions:
> Problem is, all the 4000 series chips that are CMOS, are now damaged by
> plastic static electricity. I suggest that for the 4000 series, they 1)
> be rebagged in antistatic bags and 2) tagged as "static damaged". I'm
> serious.
> TTL and LS and other non-CMOS chips, leave them in their plastic bags.
> Some bags had mixed chips embedded in anti-static foam. That foam
> degrades over decades, so make sure it's not too old (crumbly, melting,
> etc.) Then rebag in anti-static bags. Label the bags as to kind. If
> antistat foam is kept from air and moisture, it lasts longer. But it
> does degrade and should be replaced every decade (!).
> about testing them. Most are not worth testing. Just use 'em and confirm
> in circuit that they work. Oscilloscope observation of inputs and
> outputs will confirm lack of damage at the pin level. If one needs
> known-good chips - don't use these! problem solved.
> In the discussion, it was suggested to 'store these at CDL'. Frankly, I
> suggest *donating them to CDL*. They will put them to best use, and know
> how to use them. If VCFed needs chips, I presume they already turn to
> CDL for assistance. If CDL doesn't want these chips, that's entirely
> their discretion; if they will store them for VCFed anyway, that is very
> kind of them. I am not in charge of CDL or VCFed so these are merely
> policy suggestions.
> best regards,
> Herb Johnson
> --
> Herbert R. Johnson, New Jersey in the USA
> http://www.retrotechnology.com OR .net
> preserve, recover, restore 1970's computing
> email: hjohnson AT retrotechnology DOT com
> or try later herbjohnson AT comcast DOT net

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