[vcf-midatlantic] Fwd: [Coco] Van Load of COCO Stuff

W. Bryan Caudle bcaudle at ctsi.net
Sat Apr 24 02:23:28 UTC 2021

I'd love to help as well and will be at swap meet tomorrow.  However, I'm from VA so unless we could pick it up this weekend I don't think I could come back up in May...

-----Original Message-----
From: vcf-midatlantic <vcf-midatlantic-bounces at lists.vcfed.org> On Behalf Of Jameel Akari via vcf-midatlantic
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 9:58 PM
To: vcf-midatlantic <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org>
Cc: Jameel Akari <jakari at bithose.com>
Subject: Re: [vcf-midatlantic] Fwd: [Coco] Van Load of COCO Stuff

Are you going to be at the swap tomorrow? If so let’s talk. 

I live near Albany and I’d love to help, but it depends on just how big a pile it really is.

I’m planning on coming to VCF-East but if it’s more than fits in a medium-size station wagon, I won’t be able to move it all.

Jameel Akari 

> On Apr 23, 2021, at 6:16 PM, RETRO Innovations via vcf-midatlantic <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
> I hate to bother folks and impose on good graces, but I do hate to see stuff get dumped, even if it's not a biggest of iron. Is there any chance someone nearby this location is feeling particularly generous and might consider grabbing these items?  I have a couple folks near the area who can store, and I hoping to attend VFC-E and could drive my larger vehicle to pick the items up at that time.
> Jim
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject:    [Coco] Van Load of COCO Stuff
> Date:    Thu, 22 Apr 2021 07:22:24 -0400
> From:    Tom Seagrove <tjseagrove at writeme.com>
> Reply-To:    CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts <coco at maltedmedia.com>
> To:    coco at maltedmedia.com
> We are moving house from upstate New York (close to Albany NY) to Charleston SC around mid May. I have piles and piles of COCO stuff including monitors, computers, disks, manuals, peripherals, etc and could nearly fill a large van with it.
> Long story short...I have no time to sell anything g or ship it here or there as I currently live in Charleston already (started a franchised coffee shop) and will be moving my family down after we close on our house sale next week.
> I DO NOT want all this stuff lost to history and looking for someone who would haul it away fir the good of the community. Would be a great haul for Glenside for use in an upcoming COCOFest auction as well.
> Reach out to tjseagrove at yahoo dot com if you would like to haul this away.
> Thanks,
> Tom
> -- 
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> Coco at maltedmedia.com
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