[vcf-midatlantic] OT: Looking for recommendations on new soldering station

Bob Shuster bob at theshusters.com
Tue Aug 3 14:12:47 UTC 2021

I'm looking for a recommendation for a new soldering station.  I think it's time to retire my 40+ year old Archer soldering pencil - that I've had at least since I built my first TRS-80 Model I expansion interface, maybe longer!  I'm looking for compact, with an auto-off feature, temperature controlled, and a variety of tips.  Is this pretty much every current station?
I'm looking at the Hakko FX888, or maybe the less expensive X-Tronic 3020?  Mainly I repair or modify vintage electronics, but occasionally modern stuff where I need a finer tip and less heat.
Thoughts/recommendations?  Thanks.  - Bob Shuster

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