[vcf-midatlantic] VCF Museum and Warehouse Update

Alexander Pierson ajpierson1 at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 9 05:12:43 UTC 2021

 The numbering scheme of the InfoAge facility has always baffled me, until I saw that map.  Just seeing the numbering/lettering in context with everything else really helps -- thanks!

-Alexander 'Z' Pierson
    On Monday, August 9, 2021, 1:03:35 AM EDT, Herb Johnson via vcf-midatlantic <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:  
 Tony Bogan and Martin Flynn:

Trying to get to only the points I raised, not about the entirety of 
VCF-East or the entirety of InfoAge's development plans.

One issue I called out - was a site map, that people (as in vcfed.org 
email list readers) could find, to follow all the "Building 98.6A" 
references. Tony and Martin respond:


It works to identify building numbers. Good. No complaint for an 
immediate interim response. Thank you, Martin. A better map would 
reference organizations too. Um, it puts VCF in the CompDecon building. 
Also: Tony uses location terms like "Broadway" (a connecting hallway), 
some street names too. I'm giving feedback, OK? Maps are not easy to 

You know: in the old days, one might have a "key" - a simple list that 
says "member organization .... building number(s)". I think adding that 
list to the map shown would be adequate.

Related point: such a map ought to be findable by people on this 
vcfed-mid list. Logic suggests, that map ought to be "on" vcfed.org. Of 
course it could be housed and maintained anywhere, including 
compdecon.org. Just add links at vcfed.org and "talk" about it there. 
Then Google will find it and people from this list can find it, which is 
the point I raised. If it helps other Infoage groups, so much the better.

Thank you.

Point two. I suggested the building developments, might interfere with 
VCF-East preparations and operations, in the next 60 days. That really 
was my only point. Tony says, quoting fully his relevant response:

> The warehouse and museum spaces are not integral parts of VCF east, and no change of Museum venue will happen anywhere‘s near this VCF east or next year’s. This is going to be a multi year endeavor ...

OK. The timeline and scope was not in Tony's first announcement. Tony in 
his replies, expanded the scope and suggested an 18-month or more 
timeline. I asked, and Tony addressed my immediate concern. Maybe others 
were concerned too, namely the ones who might be volunteers. Thank you.

That said, Tony also said "Warehouse work will begin as soon as 
possible". Well, don't exhaust people working on VCF-East, please.

As for "the museum is not an integral part of VCF-East". It's moot if 
the Museum is stable through early Oct 2021. But Museum tours with 
VCF-East add value to the event; for people who travel far it's their 
only opportunity. Ask previous attendees. again, that was my point.


So from what Tony adds, this is an Infoage "capital improvements" plan. 
 From what I know, it's likely like other InfoAge plans which replaced 
roofs and wiring and structural changes plus interior work - done 
professionally and by volunteers. It's not just moving stuff and 
painting walls - which has also been Infoage work.

All I can say, is that the more you inform people on this list, the more 
they can offer support and assistance. Raising funds and development of 
buildings and plans are matters outside the scope of this list. They may 
NOT be, outside the scope of some individuals on this list; so don't 
miss opportunities to attract such persons to the project.

Tony said "I hope you are excited [Herb]." Well, I plan ahead. The 
result sounds great. But *executing the plan* is what gets you there.

> “Thunder is good, thunder is impressive; but it is lightning that does the work.”
> ― Mark Twain 

Congratulations and good luck.

regards, Herb Johnson

Herbert R. Johnson, New Jersey in the USA
http://www.retrotechnology.com OR .net
preserve, recover, restore 1970's computing
email: hjohnson AT retrotechnology DOT com
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