[vcf-midatlantic] Resistor networks

Mike Loewen mloewen at cpumagic.scol.pa.us
Sat Dec 4 00:27:56 UTC 2021

On Thu, 2 Dec 2021, Mike Loewen via vcf-midatlantic wrote:

>   I'm building out a Jade Bus Probe, and have come up empty for two resistor 
> networks:
> 150 ohm, bussed, 14-pin DIP, 13 resistors (qty 8)
> 3.3K ohm, bussed, 8-pin SIP, 7 resistors  (qty 1)
>   Does anyone have spares on hand? I suppose I could build them out of 
> discrete components, but I'd rather not.

    On the advice of several people, I checked with Anchor Electronics in Santa 
Clara and they had the DIP resistor networks in stock, along with some other 
things I needed. Parts are on the way.

    Thanks to all who responded!

Mike Loewen				mloewen at cpumagic.scol.pa.us
Old Technology				http://q7.neurotica.com/Oldtech/

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