[vcf-midatlantic] Cisco VoIP phones (was Re: Festivus Miracle! Free stuff!)

Martin Flynn maflynn at theflynn.org
Tue Dec 7 23:28:45 UTC 2021

On 12/7/2021 4:34 PM, Neil Cherry via vcf-midatlantic wrote:
> On 12/7/21 4:16 PM, Ethan Dicks via vcf-midatlantic wrote:
>> On Tue, Dec 7, 2021 at 2:14 PM Ethan O'Toole via vcf-midatlantic
>> <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
>>> Plus you have some POE phones coming (color LCDs)...
>> That reminds me I have some older (pre-2004)  VoIP phones that I need
>> to check to see if they support POE (when they upgraded all the phones
>> to Cisco 7941-series, they chucked the older ones - some didn't get as
>> far as the bin ;-)
>> I've wanted to play with Asterisk for years, but other projects just
>> got more attention.  Digging these phones out will probably be a good
>> first step.
> Folks just one word of warning. Don't over do it. The CDL is not a 
> dumping
> spot. We still have a lot of broken TVs. We're trying to make an 
> effort to
> clean up while still supporting InfoAge's AIT needs. It a tough balancing
> act.
> I think Martin can comment on the IT and telecom needs.
Hi Folks,

More so to make support easier we have standardized on the following in 
support of InfoAge:

  * Core Switch:  Cisco 4900M with CISCO X2-10GB-LR optics
  * Edge Switches: CISCO WS-C3750E-48PD-SF
    (c3750e-universalk9-mz.152-3.E1 firmware) and CISCO X2-10GB-LR optics
  * IP phones:  Poly VVX410 and VVX300 sets.  The older Cisco phones
    such as the 7900 series only  support SCCP, not SIP.
  * Access Points: Ubiquiti Networks UniFi UAP-AC-PRO

Lastly, Neil is dead on re the non-working kit.  We can only take so 
much per month as e-waste and stay off the radar....


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