[vcf-midatlantic] VCF East 2021 rescheduled

Jeffrey Brace jeffrey at vcfed.org
Sat Feb 6 00:51:10 UTC 2021

Hello everyone,

I hope that everyone is safe, healthy and still able to enjoy our vintage
computer hobby these days.

As you can see Covid-19 persists across the country and vaccines are not
yet at the levels that we want them to be. Large crowds will not be
possible in April and likely not be for at least a few months.

So I am rescheduling VCF East to our backup date of October 8, 9 & 10,
2021. I'm hoping that 8 months from now we will be in a place where we can
have an in-person event. I will make a final decision by August 1 whether
we will stay in-person or go virtual.

I will be starting to make plans for this event with the hope that we will
have an in-person event.

Take care everyone, be safe, and be well!

Jeff Brace
Vice President & Board Member
Vintage Computer Festival East Show-runner
Vintage Computer Federation is a 501c3 charity
jeffrey at vcfed.org
cell: 732-759-1783

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