[vcf-midatlantic] Volunteers for Consignment Staffing - VCF East 2021

Alexander Jacocks jjacocks at gmail.com
Wed Jul 7 00:17:21 UTC 2021


So far, I just have 2 possible volunteers. I'd like to have at least a few
more, so that the volunteers don't have to work so many shifts.

Please let me know if you are interested in helping.

- Alex

On Sun, Jun 27, 2021 at 7:48 PM Alexander Jacocks <jjacocks at gmail.com>

> All,
> I'm looking for volunteers to staff the consignment area, during VCF East,
> 2021. We have three times the space for consignment that we had in 2019,
> which should be great. But, to avoid the long lines that we have had in the
> past, we'd like to have 3 volunteers working the room, during Friday,
> Saturday, and Sunday, at all times.
> I'm looking for folks to sign up for one or more of the following 2.5 hour
> shifts, for each day:
> 8:30 11:00
> 11:00 13:30
> 13:30 16:00
> 16:00 18:30
> Please send me questions, or let me know what shifts you'd like to work.
> If you can, please give me a first and second choice for shifts, in case
> we're already full for that slot.
> Responsibilities will include sales, answering questions, and crowd
> control, should that be an issue.
> I hope that everyone else is as excited about VCF East as I am!
> Thanks!
> - Alex

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