[vcf-midatlantic] Another successful repair workshop 3/6 & 3/7 2021

Sentrytv sentrytv at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 8 04:33:51 UTC 2021

If you were in NY , Brooklyn , you could have been shot for doing that!

Sent from:
My extremely complicated, hand held electronic device.

> On Mar 7, 2021, at 11:17 PM, Andrew Diller via vcf-midatlantic <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
> I almost forgot. Coming back from dinner, behind Connor and his new Lincoln, he was trying to get it to auto parallel park but being from Philly I just went took the spot and the Lincoln gave up.
> I will not bow down to our future robot overlords...
> -andy
> p.s to be fair I did wait like 15 seconds and it seemed like he was just sitting there.
>> On Mar 7, 2021, at 11:00 PM, Jeffrey Brace via vcf-midatlantic <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
>> So about 15 people showed up to the repair workshop. Most were in the CDL
>> building and the rest were in 9032-A, the museum and the warehouse.
>> Ian was able to repair the Xerox in the museum by swapping out a board from
>> another Xerox. He will try to repair the original board later. In addition
>> Ian fixed a number of other items that hopefully he will mention here.
>> Jeff Salzman tested all sorts of Commodore hardware which was fun watching
>> especially him using the Magic Voice hardware and then realizing that Gor
>> and Wizard of War both had digitized voices when the cartridges were
>> plugged into the Magic Voice. Sounded just like the arcade versions.
>> Jason Perkins tested and fixed the Diablo printer as well as a Apple
>> Profile.
>> Dmitry had success at the very end of the workshop, but I don't remember
>> what he was working on.
>> Corey and I started prototyping a new backdrop for the artifact carts that
>> I hope everyone will like.
>> Can everyone else chime in on what they were working on?
>> Next event is the swap meet & repair workshop on April 24.
>> Jeff Brace
>> =========================================
>> Vice President & Board Member
>> Vintage Computer Festival East Show-runner
>> Vintage Computer Federation is a 501c3 charity
>> http://www.vcfed.org/
>> jeffrey at vcfed.org
>> cell: 732-759-1783

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