[vcf-midatlantic] Another successful repair workshop 3/6 & 3/7 2021

Sentrytv sentrytv at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 8 04:47:25 UTC 2021

Last work shop.
kickstart and work bench 2.1 booted just fine.
I could not get the hard drive setup programs to find any installed hard drives.

This time.
Basically did the same thing, using kickstart rom 1.2 and workbench 1.3.

Ran hard drive setup (RLL DRIVE) and formatted the drive 3/4 of the way before 
a “ Guru” software error showed up.
I tried this 3 times before giving up.

Then worked on C64 with memory issues
I have to order some ICs. 

Checked TRS 80 b/w monitor which I sold to Jeff S.

Gave Jeff Brace UNIVAC magnetic tapes for evaluation.


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My extremely complicated, hand held electronic device.

> On Mar 7, 2021, at 11:11 PM, Andrew Diller via vcf-midatlantic <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
> I worked on my own Apple Lisa, with help from JasonP and Ian. We got it running but only by taking all the boards from Jason's Lisa :( I have more work to do on that.
> I was also running around doing some networking infra w/ Martin of CDL in the Hotel to get them setup with Wifi and reduce the number of cable modems IA has.
> I asked RyanB to help triage a Compaq luggable for VCF work but he reported the one P2 had a dead PSU. I pulled a P3 in the warehouse and plugged it in and got some video - but also some smoke from some caps that blew. I have a Toshiba 3200 that works that i may just donate and bring up on my next visit. It already has dos and it should take the ISA network card that martin donated for mTCP.
> Watching the Diablo print again was very cool, I hope we can use that for future projects.
> I saw Connor working all day on something fascinating that required soldering tons of very tiny wires, I don't know more about it than that.
> Dimitry was working on bringing back to life a Tandy 1400 laptop.
> Also Ryan (the other evo owner) was working on some vax and or unix machines.
> Jason the machine Perkins actually tested and formatted about 10 (it seems like that many) profile HDs on Sat! It was crazy to watch him go thru all those and bring some back I was sure were totally dead.
> And MikeL was there for most of Sat working on his Amiga2000- I didn't find out if he ever got it booting and working Workbench 2...
> -andy
>> On Mar 7, 2021, at 11:00 PM, Jeffrey Brace via vcf-midatlantic <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
>> So about 15 people showed up to the repair workshop. Most were in the CDL
>> building and the rest were in 9032-A, the museum and the warehouse.
>> Ian was able to repair the Xerox in the museum by swapping out a board from
>> another Xerox. He will try to repair the original board later. In addition
>> Ian fixed a number of other items that hopefully he will mention here.
>> Jeff Salzman tested all sorts of Commodore hardware which was fun watching
>> especially him using the Magic Voice hardware and then realizing that Gor
>> and Wizard of War both had digitized voices when the cartridges were
>> plugged into the Magic Voice. Sounded just like the arcade versions.
>> Jason Perkins tested and fixed the Diablo printer as well as a Apple
>> Profile.
>> Dmitry had success at the very end of the workshop, but I don't remember
>> what he was working on.
>> Corey and I started prototyping a new backdrop for the artifact carts that
>> I hope everyone will like.
>> Can everyone else chime in on what they were working on?
>> Next event is the swap meet & repair workshop on April 24.
>> Jeff Brace
>> =========================================
>> Vice President & Board Member
>> Vintage Computer Festival East Show-runner
>> Vintage Computer Federation is a 501c3 charity
>> http://www.vcfed.org/
>> jeffrey at vcfed.org
>> cell: 732-759-1783

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