[vcf-midatlantic] Drone at the Swap Meet

Herb Johnson hjohnson at retrotechnology.info
Tue May 4 21:29:20 UTC 2021

Christian Liendo posted some video links he found - thanks! Nice 
overhead view of the event. Funny videos, mostly about things obtained 
at the event and what happened at home with them. I recognize some of 
the stuff.

The comps I bought there, all worked as claimed. And those in the videos 
  who bought, were told what worked and what didn't, and that was mostly 
correct. So that's how these events work.

By the way: someone I know among our VCFed crowd, selling at the event, 
wanted to show me another day some compact Macs he obtained recently. 
Unfortunately I didn't get the name of that masked man, to remind him of 
that offer today. All I have is this silver bullet ....

Regards, Herb

Herbert R. Johnson, New Jersey in the USA
http://www.retrotechnology.com OR .net
preserve, recover, restore 1970's computing
email: hjohnson AT retrotechnology DOT com
or try later herbjohnson AT comcast DOT net

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