[vcf-midatlantic] [OT] 6' HDMI to DVI cables looking for new home

John Heritage john.heritage at gmail.com
Tue Nov 16 15:46:23 UTC 2021

EDIT:  Already received a reply for both so these are no longer available.
Thanks all!

On Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 10:40 AM John Heritage <john.heritage at gmail.com>

> Good morning folks,
> I have a pair of 6 foot HDMI to DVI male to male  cables extra sitting
> around.
> I've reduced my number of DVI monitors substantially recently and rather
> than just eWaste these, if anyone wants 1 or both of these cables just send
> me an email and an address and I'll mail them out.  First come first
> serve.
> I'm not sure if they're DL-DVI but they have all 24 pins visible on the
> DVI side.
> Thanks!
> John

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