[vcf-midatlantic] VCF Annual Committee Member Election

Kelly Leavitt kelly at catcorner.org
Fri Oct 29 12:32:28 UTC 2021

Who are the current members that are up for election?
It seems the minimum would be two, but how many seats need to be filled?

Sorry if there are obvious answers that I missed. My head's not been in the game lately.


From: vcf-midatlantic <vcf-midatlantic-bounces at lists.vcfed.org> on behalf of Dean Notarnicola via vcf-midatlantic <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org>
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2021 11:41 PM
To: vcf-midatlantic <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org>
Cc: Dean Notarnicola <dean.notarnicola at vcfed.org>
Subject: [vcf-midatlantic] VCF Annual Committee Member Election

Dear VCF membership,
It is time once again for the VCF-MA annual committee member election!
There are two seats becoming vacant and nominations are now open.

The election will be held according to section 4 and 5 of our published
bylaws (copied below.) Anyone who directly received this message is
eligible to vote.

Nominations for committee members can be made by current list members in
good standing
simply by communicating the nomination via email to a committee member (
alexander at vcfed.org, andrew.diller at vcfed.org, tony.bogan at vcfed.org, chris.
fala at vcfed.org, dean.notarnicola at vcfed.org.) Members may also self-nominate.

To be eligible for the election, the prospective nominee must then accept
the nomination by replying in the affirmative to the nomination email. One
nomination per member can be made.

Nominations close November 25th. An updated list of eligible nominees will
be published weekly.

Voting will commence on November 27th and close at 11:59 pm on December
8th. Winners will be announced on December 11th during the Town hall event
at our annual VCF Festivus celebration.

*This is your chance to help steer the direction of VCF Mid-Atlantic!
Nominate someone and vote in the upcoming election!*

Dean Notarnicola
VCF Committee Chairperson

Steering committee membership includes representation of VCF membership, as
determined by the VCF governing board and VCF-MA sponsored elections.
• The committee membership will be determined by elections to be held on a
yearly basis
(currently December.)
• Committee membership is ideally composed of five people but may vary due
to various
• Two seats will be up for election in every cycle, unless additional
vacancies create the need
for seats to be filled, in which case all vacant seats will be up for
election in that cycle.
• Nominations for committee members can be made by current members in good
simply by communicating the nomination to a committee member. One
nomination per
member can be made. Members may also self-nominate.
• In the case of off-cycle vacancies, the committee may move to, without an
election, appoint
new committee members to fill the seats until the next scheduled election.
• A committee chairperson will be appointed by the committee members within
30 days of any completed election cycle.
• Prospective committee members should be knowledgeable in some aspect of
preferably vintage computers, and show a demonstrated interest in vintage
computing history, and museum management and governance.
• In order to be sufficiently aware and have proper perspective of museum
and warehouse
issues, prospective committee members should be able to physically attend
VCF events at least
VCF general membership is open and granted to anyone who joins the mailing
list. Voting rights will be granted to members who register for the mailing
list no less than 30 days before an election begins.

More information about the vcf-midatlantic mailing list