[vcf-midatlantic] Old Video Game Advertisements - VCF Exhibiting

Douglas Crawford touchetek at gmail.com
Mon Aug 8 19:12:15 UTC 2022

I'm very sorry to hear you had that experience.
Please contact me off list.  We cannot have
valuable contributors dissuaded from exhibiting.
We have to stop infighting. I don't want to hear
of anyone getting crap for what they exhibit.
It is a ton of work to prepare something for public
exhibit.  Thank you all who do it year after year.

Gaming helped push the tech along in many instances.
Sometimes its just the most fun and interesting way
to demo hardware. Sometimes it represents innovations
in software development.
Spacewar on DEC
Prince of Persia developed on Apple II.
InfoCom on... everything...  a marvel of the portable text game engine.
You should have suffered nothing at all for your SGI exhibit.

In the micromputer foundations, 1977, when Jobs and
Wozniak brought the Apple I to the Atlantic City Personal Computing 
Trade Fair, right there adverts bold words it features
"computer gaming".

"Too boot" we even share processor technology even with the game 
consoles. Computers and consoles are cousins. First damn cousins.
So we need to let up a bit on any close minded attitudes there too.
There's a little room for all cousins.  Blood relatives.

On 8/8/2022 2:34 PM, Christian Liendo via vcf-midatlantic wrote:
> I kind of feel the opposite way but two people can look at a painting
> and have different perspectives.
> When I brought a bunch of SGIs to VCF and networked them and played
> BZFLAG and Dogfight, I got flack for that.
> I kept explaining how things like this were huge at the time, but nope.
> And if you noticed. I never demoed again... ever..
> Now I go. I watch, I volunteer and clean up. But I don't really want to demo.
> On Mon, Aug 8, 2022 at 2:19 PM Dave McGuire via vcf-midatlantic
> <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
>>     Just to jump in...I think 80s computing is/was fantastic.  What rubs
>> me the wrong way is this widespread perception that it was always only
>> about games and nothing else.  It disrespects the entire industry, its
>> achievements, and its people to reduce the groundbreaking work that
>> transformed society to toys for tots.
>>                -Dave
>> --
>> Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
>> New Kensington, PA

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