[vcf-midatlantic] Old Video Game Advertisements

Christian Liendo cliendo at gmail.com
Mon Aug 8 19:24:42 UTC 2022


I can understand what Dave is saying.

There were a lot of major changes in technology that most people don't
think about because the 80s was the huge decade of home computing and
that is a lot more well known.

Apple, Atari, Commodore, Tandy, Texas Instruments were selling turnkey
computers (not kits) and it was a great time for home computing.

That should not take away from commercial, business and scientific computing.

I appreciate that David Gesswein brings his DECs, Dave McGuire would
bring some huge multi-terminal setup and Ian would find stiff I would
never expect to see. That's a lot of work to keep all of that running
and to bring them all the way to NJ.

I know I am missing some names and please allow me some leeway. I am
not trying to leave anyone out.

I don't think games are the be all and end all of computing. In the
same way I don't think home computing is the be all and end all of

If I post something about games, it is for those of us who like them.
In the same way as I post something about technology in NJ. Different
people have different interests.

There are many of us with varying interests under the tent of vintage
computing and history.

If I post something, it's because some of you and not all of you may
be interested. I just hope it makes someone's day.

On Mon, Aug 8, 2022 at 2:53 PM Ethan O'Toole <telmnstr at 757.org> wrote:
> > I kind of feel the opposite way but two people can look at a painting
> > and have different perspectives.
> > When I brought a bunch of SGIs to VCF and networked them and played
> > BZFLAG and Dogfight, I got flack for that.
> > I kept explaining how things like this were huge at the time, but nope.
> > And if you noticed. I never demoed again... ever..
> > Now I go. I watch, I volunteer and clean up. But I don't really want to demo.
> Haters! Games push technology! And war, and adulty imagery.
>                         - Ethan

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