[vcf-midatlantic] Old Video Game Advertisements - VCF Exhibiting

Sentrytv sentrytv at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 8 20:15:21 UTC 2022

This is the main reason why I have not exhibited in the past or possibly not in the future.
I’ve considered two separate exhibits,
I put to much consideration into the flack or “peer pressure”.


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My extremely complicated, hand held electronic device.

> On Aug 8, 2022, at 3:12 PM, Douglas Crawford via vcf-midatlantic <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
> I'm very sorry to hear you had that experience.
> Please contact me off list.  We cannot have
> valuable contributors dissuaded from exhibiting.
> We have to stop infighting. I don't want to hear
> of anyone getting crap for what they exhibit.
> It is a ton of work to prepare something for public
> exhibit.  Thank you all who do it year after year.
> Gaming helped push the tech along in many instances.
> Sometimes its just the most fun and interesting way
> to demo hardware. Sometimes it represents innovations
> in software development.
> Spacewar on DEC
> Prince of Persia developed on Apple II.
> DOOM on NeXT.
> InfoCom on... everything...  a marvel of the portable text game engine.
> You should have suffered nothing at all for your SGI exhibit.
> In the micromputer foundations, 1977, when Jobs and
> Wozniak brought the Apple I to the Atlantic City Personal Computing Trade Fair, right there adverts bold words it features
> "computer gaming".
> http://www.shiro1000.jp/hist/apple/PC76.jpg
> "Too boot" we even share processor technology even with the game consoles. Computers and consoles are cousins. First damn cousins.
> So we need to let up a bit on any close minded attitudes there too.
> There's a little room for all cousins.  Blood relatives.
>> On 8/8/2022 2:34 PM, Christian Liendo via vcf-midatlantic wrote:
>> I kind of feel the opposite way but two people can look at a painting
>> and have different perspectives.
>> When I brought a bunch of SGIs to VCF and networked them and played
>> BZFLAG and Dogfight, I got flack for that.
>> I kept explaining how things like this were huge at the time, but nope.
>> And if you noticed. I never demoed again... ever..
>> Now I go. I watch, I volunteer and clean up. But I don't really want to demo.
>>> On Mon, Aug 8, 2022 at 2:19 PM Dave McGuire via vcf-midatlantic
>>> <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
>>>    Just to jump in...I think 80s computing is/was fantastic.  What rubs
>>> me the wrong way is this widespread perception that it was always only
>>> about games and nothing else.  It disrespects the entire industry, its
>>> achievements, and its people to reduce the groundbreaking work that
>>> transformed society to toys for tots.
>>>               -Dave
>>> --
>>> Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
>>> New Kensington, PA

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