[vcf-midatlantic] Festivus 2022 Wrap-up

Jeff S jsalzman at gmail.com
Mon Dec 12 12:53:57 UTC 2022

On Mon, Dec 12, 2022 at 6:55 AM Jeffrey Brace via vcf-midatlantic <
vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:

> Now I'm off to VCF East planning!
And January Workshop planning... 😉

It was a great Festivus. I think not having a Workshop during Festivus this
year, due to the separation of working areas, was the right call. It
allowed for proper and expected mingling amongst the guests. After all, we
were there for each other.

Perhaps in a (not so) distant future, when we are allotted more space from
InfoAge for our cause, we could have the space needed to combine Festivus
and Workshop related activity in the same area, instead of split out in
another building, like CDL, for the instance. There are people who were at
Festivus who probably never experienced one of our Workshops, so Festivus
COULD be used as a preview of such activities. I agree that we should never
split Festivus activities across two independent buildings, but if we did
have a large enough space for ourselves for Festivus, we could have the
tables, gaming, swapmeet, and even a small workshop area within the same
four walls, using our own personal repair tools, of course. That would also
help introduce to others what we as an organization are all about.

And just in case he's a subscriber to this message list, I want to thank
Steve Lowery for showing up at Festivus, and Jeff Brace for inviting him.
He is new to the organization, and very interested in attending our
Workshops. And as an avid Commodore user, he would make a great addition to
our ranks. Gotta keep that C= count up! LOL

Jeff Salzman

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