[vcf-midatlantic] ?Comcast at Home? internet speeds 1998 or so?

Herb Johnson hjohnson at retrotechnology.info
Sat Feb 5 00:00:34 UTC 2022

> I’m trying to remember what download speeds Comcast at Home offered circa 1998
> (when I first had cable modem).  I remember the upload speeds initially

Google Web search. Google Books. PC Magazine (PC Mag).
Set "any time" to: from Jan 1 1998 to Dec 31 1998.
search string: "cable internet services".
30 hits.

regards, Herb Johnson

Herbert R. Johnson, New Jersey in the USA
http://www.retrotechnology.com OR .net
preserve, recover, restore 1970's computing
email: hjohnson AT retrotechnology DOT com
or try later herbjohnson AT comcast DOT net

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