[vcf-midatlantic] Help identifying Apple II board

W. Bryan Caudle bcaudle at ctsi.net
Tue Feb 22 20:50:27 UTC 2022

I agree with your assumption, 16K ram expansion to take a 48K II/II+ to 64k.  Given the rest of the board is just TTL support logic and bus transceivers, and there is no ROM present, I don't think it can be called the "language card" which traditionally provided both the 16K and full featured BASIC.  That RAM chip in the bottom right (with the apple logo) is likely from the Apple II mainboard itself, which is removed to make a place for the ribbon cable to connect.  That socket on the expansion board was likely empty from the factory.  That chip could move back to the mainboard, removing the ribbon cable, and that would return the machine to its (likely) original stock 48k configuration.

-----Original Message-----
From: vcf-midatlantic <vcf-midatlantic-bounces at lists.vcfed.org> On Behalf Of Bob Shuster via vcf-midatlantic
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2022 2:25 PM
To: vcf-midatlantic <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org>
Cc: Bob Shuster <bob at theshusters.com>
Subject: [vcf-midatlantic] Help identifying Apple II board

I found a card installed in one of my Apple II computers and I can find nothing about it online.  The only labels are a brand name - I think - “Elite” - and “YKH Interface” near the card edge.  It has a connector that plugs into one of the RAM sockets on the main board, so I assume it to be a RAM expansion, particularly since it’s populated by 8x16K RAM chips.

Pictures available at


Anyone?  I don't have an OS to run on these Apple IIs, just what they boot up to from the ROMs.

Bob Shuster

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