[vcf-midatlantic] Help identifying Apple II board

Bill Degnan billdegnan at gmail.com
Wed Feb 23 14:28:14 UTC 2022

I found this.  Run from BASIC using whichever DOS you have...

X=PEEK(978) Determines where DOS is - if less than 157 then DOS is below
   normal location - computer has less than 48K memory; if 157
   then DOS is at its normal 48K location; if 190 then DOS is
   ProDOS, not DOS 3.3; if greater than 190 then DOS is in the
   language card.

Another source says this PEEK can show memory
   size if used as: PRINT (PEEK(978)+35)/4;"K"


On Wed, Feb 23, 2022 at 8:06 AM Bob Shuster via vcf-midatlantic <
vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:

> Thanks all for the input!  I’ll assume this is indeed a 16K expansion
> board, but a generic card not from a major manufacturer.  It’s in a 48K
> Apple ][ Plus.  Is there a command to report the amount of RAM on an Apple
> II?  I recall on the TRS-80 it was simply PRINT MEM.
> Bob Shuster

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