[vcf-midatlantic] Help Advertising VCF Swap Meet 2022

Jeffrey Brace jeffrey at vcfed.org
Mon Jan 3 05:51:07 UTC 2022

On Mon, Jan 3, 2022 at 12:46 AM skogkatt007--- via vcf-midatlantic <
vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:

>  About how many vendors/tables are anticipated?

There is no way to know how many are anticipated mostly because it will be
indoors this time as opposed to outdoors. If it was outdoors, then I would
say 100 vendors. We had about 20 for the first one in October 2020, about
60 in April 2021, so it tripled.

> Was there 75 (or more) last April? I didn't count. I know it was at least
> 50-60. Seemed that way.

Off the top of my head we had about 60 vendors last time in April. I would
expect more this time as this will be our third swap meet and we have
established ourselves as a substantial swap meet in terms of both vendors
and buyers. Also there are lot of both buyers and sellers itching to buy
and sell their items.

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