[vcf-midatlantic] Females in computing list: VCF East 2022

Wil Birkmaier wil at birkmaier.org
Tue Jan 11 18:33:25 UTC 2022

Kathleen O'Brien I believe worked for Atari and wrote the Assembly language Editor cartridge, that was maybe also used to right the Basic cartridge, both for the Atari 800.

I assume she is still with us, don’t know though, but I think it would be interesting to hear about early development for the Atari 8 Bit line of computers.

On 1/11/22, 1:19 PM, "vcf-midatlantic on behalf of Jeffrey Brace via vcf-midatlantic" <vcf-midatlantic-bounces at lists.vcfed.org on behalf of vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:

    This is the list of female speakers that I have contacted or will contact.
    If you have any other suggestions that are not on this list, then please
    let me know.

    Margaret Morabito

    Jeri Ellsworth

    Quinn Dunki

    Cynthia Solomon - LOGO

    Carol Shaw -

    Mary Allen Wilkes - Linc 8 programmer

    Limor Fried - Ada Fruit

    Dona Bailey - Centipede programmer

    Burger Becky (Rebecca Heinmann) - Apple 2 programmer -

    Margaret Hamilton -

    Kim Swift -

    Rebecca Mercuri - STEM Radio technology classes for females

    Atari women -

    Mar Hicks - https://marhicks.com/

    Betsy Ahl - Editor of Creative Computing Magazine

    Roberta Williams - Co-founder of Sierra Online

    Jeff Brace
    VCF National Board Member Chairman & Vice President
    Vintage Computer Festival East Show-runner
    VCF Mid-Atlantic Executive Director
    Vintage Computer Federation is a 501c3 charity
    jeffrey at vcfed.org

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