[vcf-midatlantic] OT: time to downsize

Bob Shuster bob at theshusters.com
Mon Jan 24 22:31:08 UTC 2022

I was aware of the swap meet, but it will be quite some time before I attend any indoor event, plus there’s too much to load into my car and probably bring back with me.  Honestly, I was mainly looking for suggestions on where to get started, and I am getting many suggestions!  Next step is to make a more complete list.  Thanks for the input!


> On Jan 24, 2022, at 4:56 PM, Chris Fala <chrisjpf33 at gmail.com> wrote:
> And if you do as Adam suggests, it gives me a good reason to get to the swap meet really early with a wad of cash. ;-)
> On Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 4:50 PM Adam Michlin via vcf-midatlantic <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org <mailto:vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org>> wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> So sorry to hear, but I'm glad you're going to make sure everything
> gets a good home!
> You know VCF MA has an indoor swap meet in just about a month in Wall, NJ?
> https://vcfed.org/wp/vcf-swap-meet/ <https://vcfed.org/wp/vcf-swap-meet/>
> You could bring everything and likely sell it all for a reasonable
> price in one shot.
> You also might also consider donating the Stacy to MA. To quote the
> esteemed Dr. Jones, "That belongs in a museum". ;)
> Best wishes,
>       -Adam
> On Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 4:33 PM Bob Shuster via vcf-midatlantic
> <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org <mailto:vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org>> wrote:
> >
> > Well, folks, I’ve gotten to the age where I need to seriously downsize my hobbies and collections, not wanting to leave it to my children to have to deal with in later years.  (I had to do that recently for a relative.)  On the electronics side, I’ve decided to concentrate on my vintage video game systems - and therefore sell off most of my vintage computer stuff.  My collection includes mostly 8-bit stuff: TRS-80 Models I, IV, M100, etc. - Atari 400, 800, Stacy, Portfolio, ST, etc. - C64/VIC20 - T/S1000 (including an unbuilt kit), Apple II, II+, IIe, IIe Platinum, IIgs - Wang WLTC - Mattel Aquarius - TI-99/4A - many others that I still have to dig out - plus lots of peripherals, disks, manuals, etc.  Also have some newer Macs starting with a Mac Plus in an Apple carrying bag.
> >
> > I’m starting with you guys before trying to list elsewhere, although I may hit some of the dedicated FaceBorg pages (such as for Aquarius and Apple II.)  I may be willing to ship some of the software, but in general anything else will need to be picked up here (near the Fort Washington exit of the PA Turnpike) or nearby, and cash or PayPal for payment.  I may also consider trades for some of the video game stuff I’m looking for.
> >
> > So - I’m not sure how to start with this.  Does the group have a For Sale page where I can post photos, etc.?  I’ll need to dig out each of the systems (carefully stored in my heated/cooled workshop) and test and figure out prices, but I will definitely entertain offers.  For specific inquiries please email me, but for discussion of how to go about reducing my collection [and assuming the admins agree that it’s on-topic] that can be on-list.
> >
> > It pains me to do this, but the clutter is getting out of hand, and I haven’t touched most of these in years.  It’s time for someone else to enjoy.
> >
> > Bob Shuster

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