[vcf-midatlantic] OT: time to downsize

Bob Shuster bob at theshusters.com
Wed Jan 26 12:35:21 UTC 2022

Just an update, at Jeff’s (and others) suggestions, I am putting together a Google Sheets list with asking prices, descriptions, and links to photos.  I will post this to this list when I get a little further along.  It’s both fun and challenging to go through my systems one by one and trying to remember how to connect displays and such, even if it's for the last time.

So please be patient!  Also, make sure if you want to inquire about a purchase to send to me directly and not to the list, please?  Not only does it clog up the list (sorry!) but I only get the digest version so I won’t see your message until the next morning.

Bob Shuster

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