[vcf-midatlantic] PI day (March 14)
Jeffrey Jonas
jeffrey.scott.jonas at gmail.com
Fri Jan 28 03:26:21 UTC 2022
March 14th is "pi day".
Tau Beta Pi is the engineering honor society for all engineering disciplines
(unlike HKN: IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu, the honor society of IEEE ...
for electrical engineering, computer engineering, and other IEEE fields of
interest. https://hkn.ieee.org/ )
TBP celebrates PI day, so should we!
In conjunction with the annual celebration on March 14 commemorating the
mathematical constant,
the Association encourages its members to take advantage of this great
opportunity to proudly display their membership,
participate in engineering-related activities, and wear your Bent, charm,
and other TBP apparel.
Join us on Monday, March 14, 2022, or celebrate all month!
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