[vcf-midatlantic] Old "beige boxes" free to a good home

Ian Litchfield kd2ixl at gmail.com
Sun Jun 19 02:31:15 UTC 2022

I’m interested in number 11 the image desktop. I’m in Howell are you
available tomorrow?

On Sat, Jun 18, 2022 at 22:06 William Dudley via vcf-midatlantic <
vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:

> They're not all beige, but most of them are.  These are "too new" for the
> museum, but I figure some of you are fixing up 1990's boxes so you can
> demo Windows 3.0 or Desqview or Linux installed from floppies.
> These are mostly early Pentium boxes (one Athlon).  Some are empty cases,
> most have motherboards.  Most have no hard disk.
> The item numbers match the numbers on the units in the photo.  I'm happy
> to supply better photos or more information.  Floppy drives are 3.5" except
> box
> 10 which has a 5" floppy.
> All the units are in Jackson, NJ.  Shipping OK at your cost, or I can
> deliver
> to central NJ.  Take one, take all, the rest will be scrapped, as much as
> I hate to see things go to landfill.
> Note that No. 11 has monochrome video and includes an amber monochrome
> monitor.
> It was my home router for many years, hence the 3 Ethernet cards.  It used
> to boot
> Linux Router Project off the floppy.  It runs the BIOS code successfully,
> but it won't
> boot because the cmos battery is flat.  (NIC == ethernet)
> I don't want to start breaking these units and sending people things like
> floppy
> drives;  If you want a floppy, take the whole box and deal with the rest of
> it.
> (That is my position at present.)
>    1. mini tower: 1 GHz cpu, 2 HD, floppy, CDRW, NIC, sound, video
>    2. mid tower w/DVDRW, otherwise EMPTY.  Transparent side panel, built in
>    handle on the top; apparently for the "gamer" market.
>    3. mid tower Pentium II, NIC, sound, video.  Has HD in a removable
>    carrier, plus a second empty carrier.  (I need to find one of those
> stupid
>    little barrel keys so I can unlock the carrier that has a drive in it.)
>    4. Dell mid tower: silver front, Celeron, no RAM, has DVDRW, HD, Vista
>    license sticker
>    5. "Athlon 64 3000+" 2GB RAM 3" floppy SCSI CDROM mid tower
>    6. Acer "1120SX", but replaced original mother board with 386
>    motherboard (no HD/CD) floppy, NIC, video; small desktop form factor
>    7. Packard Bell pizza box: 200M Pentium CDR floppy 850M HD
>    8. Compaq mid tower: Pentium RAM floppy video
>    9. "Comtrade" mid tower: AMD K6 233 sound, NIC, Tseng video, 192k RAM
>    ASUS MB (if the post-it note is to be believed).
>    10. Gateway 2000 tower: DVDRW 5" floppy, otherwise EMPTY
>    11. "IMAGE" desktop: 386 3 NICs, 3 1/2" floppy, monochrome video card,
>    w/ amber monitor
> Bill Dudley
> Jackson, NJ

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