[vcf-midatlantic] VCF East 2022 Videos coming soon

Jeffrey Brace jeffrey at vcfed.org
Wed Jun 22 04:10:30 UTC 2022

Just keeping everyone updated. It's taking me longer than expected to
review all the videos from the show. Ethan O'Toole and crew did a great job
of recording it and Kay Savetz has done a great job editing and processing
all of them. Life, work and other VCF activities have delayed for me. I'm
reviewing the last video, then I will be making an intro that will be
appended to each video. Something like 15 seconds long. I hope to have the
videos released on YouTube by Independence Day.

Take care everyone!
Jeff Brace
VCF National Board Member Chairman & Vice President
Vintage Computer Festival East Showrunner
Vintage Computer Federation is a 501c3 charity
https://vcfed.org/ <http://www.vcfed.org/>
jeffrey at vcfed.org

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