[vcf-midatlantic] VCF Swap Meet discussion on YouTube Stream of Mike's Mac Shack, Steve(Mac84) and Sean (Action Retro)

Ethan O'Toole telmnstr at 757.org
Tue Mar 1 06:11:48 UTC 2022

> Nobody told me about them and they never introduced themselves to me. I
> also generally try to minimize my social media time, but now see that I
> need to explore more to keep informed of a wider group of

I bought an Amiga thing at one of the parking lot VCF swapmeets... within 
like 15 minutes my friend who lives in Japan messaged me on Slack about my 
purchase, he knew from watching someone else who I don't know talking on 
a stream or something. Someone I don't know by name. It was kind of 

    - Ethan

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