[vcf-midatlantic] Any MIDI enthusiasts around?

RETRO Innovations go4retro at go4retro.com
Mon Mar 14 04:14:29 UTC 2022

On 3/13/2022 3:25 PM, Bart Hirst via vcf-midatlantic wrote:
> If you're open to using ws28xx aka "Neopixels" then a wealth of stuff has
> been done with them.  For example a google turned this up:
> https://www.partsnotincluded.com/how-to-control-anything-on-arduino-using-midi/
I saw a few more as well.  And yes, I've used the LED strings before, 
and might for this prj.
> p.s. about "how lighting is mapped to midi" IMHO most of the code in the DJ
> / Lighting industry is heavily proprietary and non-OSS.  There's no silver
> bullet in the hack-a-day scene, but plenty of one-off projects and code
> snippets because as you say midi is well known / supported.

It's a shame, as I think hobbyists who are music friendly would love a 
simple way to add a bit of color into their presentation without having 
to spend days learning how to sequence it.


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