[vcf-midatlantic] A clearer way to describe InfoAge buildings
Dave Shevett
shevett at pobox.com
Tue Mar 22 14:49:26 UTC 2022
Using 'cute names' or names that are only known to people with history
with the site is always problematic. By far the best way to do this
is use the building numbers (since they're written on the buildings),
and always refer to the map when talking about the site.
For example - this map:
Is only partially helpful. If someone says "Where is the VCF museum?"
- i can't look at that map and say "It's building 1111. Over there to
the left" - the map has some numbers, and some 'current use'
descriptions, but I'd have a hard time directing someone to a location
from that reference.
Absolute locations (building numbers), with tsecondary "current use"
labels I think is the best approach.
I'm happy to work on this if you'd like.
On Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 10:39 AM Jeffrey Brace via vcf-midatlantic
<vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
> Whenever I talk about a building at InfoAge I use the original building
> designations to make it objective in the description. Otherwise I would
> have to come up with several subjective descriptions that are different and
> lengthy and vary based on the person.
> I've been wondering what I could do to help people understand which
> building I'm talking about without getting into a lengthy description. The
> original building numbers are painted on each of the buildings (i.e. 9032).
> There are different sections of each building (i.e. A, B, C, D). The
> subjective description for 9032-A is "where we have the vcf east exhibits",
> "where we used to have our repair workshops", "the big open room", "the big
> room down the ramp from the ballroom", "Where the World of IBM was last
> year".
> I can of course provide maps such as through Google Maps, InfoAge created
> maps that are on the website, or maps that VCF members have created. I've
> even thought about taking photographs and video walkthroughs to make it
> clearer.
> Here are some common buildings that I refer to. It starts out with the
> official objective designation followed by a subjective one:
> 9001 - "The Hotel", "The Marconi Hotel", "The Red Brick Building", "The one
> with the front desk and lobby", "The main building", "The one by the front
> gates". It Includes a few museums, the lobby, front desk,
> administrative offices, dining room.
> 9032 - Includes for sections labeled A, B, C, D.
> Section A is where we have exhibits, repair workshops, etc,
> Section B is the shipwreck museum
> Section C are many museums that go to the hallway heading toward the radio
> museum
> Section D is the radio museum.
> Broadway - Long hallway which is the backbone of the "H" building which
> includes four long buildings 9010, 9011, 9036, 9037. Each of these has 4
> sections with a letter: A, B, C, D.
> 9010 - Includes four sections labeled A, B, C, D.
> Section A - VCF museum, Model train museum, Wireless telegraph museum
> Section B - Unfinished space, future VCF Museum (4.0)
> Section C - "Where we had consignment at VCF East", Cafeteria, future Radar
> and Electronic warfare museum.
> Section D - "Where we have the main talks at VCF East", Bunkrooms and
> bathrooms
> 9011 - Sections A, B, C, D, Military Vehicles Museum and storage.
> 9036 -
> Section A - VCF Warehouse
> Section B - Empty
> Section C - Future VCF warehouse.
> Section D - Storage
> 9037 -
> Section A - Storage
> Section B - Storage
> Section C - Storage
> Section D - Storage
> 9059 - "CDL", "IXR", "Where we have our repair workshops". Building with a
> room that is called "The Classroom" and is used by many groups and another
> room which is the workbench area and CDL's space.
> There are many other buildings with numbers, but these are the most common
> ones that I refer to.
> So how could I make it clearer to each of you so that you know what I'm
> talking about when I say 9032-A for example?
> =========================================
> Jeff Brace
> VCF National Board Member Chairman & Vice President
> Vintage Computer Festival East Showrunner
> Vintage Computer Federation is a 501c3 charity
> http://www.vcfed.org/
> jeffrey at vcfed.org
Dave Shevett
shevett at pobox.com
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