[vcf-midatlantic] A clearer way to describe InfoAge buildings

Christian Liendo cliendo at gmail.com
Tue Mar 22 14:52:40 UTC 2022

I found this googling infoage. It's very detailed  but I hope it helps.

They should have a larger version of that MAP.


On Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 10:39 AM Jeffrey Brace via vcf-midatlantic
<vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
> Whenever I talk about a building at InfoAge I use the original building
> designations to make it objective in the description. Otherwise I would
> have to come up with several subjective descriptions that are different and
> lengthy and vary based on the person.
> I've been wondering what I could do to help people understand which
> building I'm talking about without getting into a lengthy description. The
> original building numbers are painted on each of the buildings (i.e. 9032).
> There are different sections of each building (i.e. A, B, C, D). The
> subjective description for 9032-A is "where we have the vcf east exhibits",
> "where we used to have our repair workshops", "the big open room", "the big
> room down the ramp from the ballroom", "Where the World of IBM was last
> year".
> I can of course provide maps such as through Google Maps, InfoAge created
> maps that are on the website, or maps that VCF members have created. I've
> even thought about taking photographs and video walkthroughs to make it
> clearer.
> Here are some common buildings that I refer to. It starts out with the
> official objective designation followed by a subjective one:
> 9001 - "The Hotel", "The Marconi Hotel", "The Red Brick Building", "The one
> with the front desk and lobby", "The main building", "The one by the front
> gates". It Includes a few museums, the lobby, front desk,
> administrative offices, dining room.
> 9032 - Includes for sections labeled A, B, C, D.
> Section A is where we have exhibits, repair workshops, etc,
> Section B is the shipwreck museum
> Section C are many museums that go to the hallway heading toward the radio
> museum
> Section D is the radio museum.
> Broadway - Long hallway which is the backbone of the "H" building which
> includes four long buildings 9010, 9011, 9036, 9037. Each of these has 4
> sections with a letter: A, B, C, D.
> 9010 - Includes four sections labeled A, B, C, D.
> Section A - VCF museum, Model train museum, Wireless telegraph museum
> Section B - Unfinished space, future VCF Museum (4.0)
> Section C - "Where we had consignment at VCF East", Cafeteria, future Radar
> and Electronic warfare museum.
> Section D - "Where we have the main talks at VCF East", Bunkrooms and
> bathrooms
> 9011 - Sections A, B, C, D, Military Vehicles Museum and storage.
> 9036 -
> Section A - VCF Warehouse
> Section B - Empty
> Section C - Future VCF warehouse.
> Section D - Storage
> 9037 -
> Section A - Storage
> Section B - Storage
> Section C - Storage
> Section D - Storage
> 9059 - "CDL", "IXR", "Where we have our repair workshops". Building with a
> room that is called "The Classroom" and is used by many groups and another
> room which is the workbench area and CDL's space.
> There are many other buildings with numbers, but these are the most common
> ones that I refer to.
> So how could I make it clearer to each of you so that you know what I'm
> talking about when I say 9032-A for example?
> =========================================
> Jeff Brace
> VCF National Board Member Chairman & Vice President
> Vintage Computer Festival East Showrunner
> Vintage Computer Federation is a 501c3 charity
> http://www.vcfed.org/
> jeffrey at vcfed.org

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