[vcf-midatlantic] Veteran's Appreciation Lunch May 20 @ InfoAge
Jeffrey Brace
jeffrey at vcfed.org
Thu May 5 13:03:59 UTC 2022
Mike Ruane, CEO of InfoAge wanted me to pass this along to VCF members
From: Patricia Mariconda <pmariconda at townshipofwall.com>
Subject: Veterans Appreciation Luncheon May 20, 2022
Good Morning! I am reaching out to those of you who have previously
participated in one of our Veteran or Senior events to invite you to be a
vendor at our Veterans Appreciation Luncheon on May 20th at 11:00am. We
will be inviting our township Veterans to lunch and would love for them to
be able to explore numerous vendor tables as well. Please let me know if
you are able to participate by responding with your organizations name. If
you know of anyone else who would be interested and can provide a service
to this population please feel free to forward the information. Just make
sure that they RSVP to be by May 13th. Thank you and hope you are all
doing well.
*Patti Mariconda*
*Wall Youth Center and Community Services*
*1824 South M Street*
*Wall, NJ 07719*
Jeff Brace
VCF National Board Member Chairman & Vice President
Vintage Computer Festival East Showrunner
Vintage Computer Federation is a 501c3 charity
https://vcfed.org/ <http://www.vcfed.org/>
jeffrey at vcfed.org
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