[vcf-midatlantic] Interested in being a docent? Come to Festivus to get training!

Jeffrey Brace jeffrey at vcfed.org
Thu Dec 7 22:55:32 UTC 2023

Have you ever thought about being a docent at the VCF museum?
Well now's your chance to try it out and get some training!
It's a busy time this weekend with the holiday model train show @ InfoAge.

There will be other docents there to help train you and get you started.
Don't worry if you don't think that you know a lot. You will learn as you
go. Most people are just looking for general guidance on the exhibits or
with help operating the many hands-on machines that we have. Bart Hurst,
one of our newest docents can tell you about how he was hesitant about
being a docent at the beginning and how he received awesome training from
our docents and now has great confidence in giving tours.

If you haven't been to our museum for a while, then you are in for a treat!
Lots of changes since last time. Our docents have been working hard to
enhance the VCF museum.

If you are interested, then let me know and I will pair you up with a buddy
We are always looking to add to our prestigious ranks of docents and you
can join them!

We are always looking for more docents, even if you can only come once
a week, once a month, once every two months or three months. All are


Jeff Brace
VCF National Board Member Chairman & Vice President
Vintage Computer Festival East Showrunner
VCF Mid-Atlantic Event Manager
Vintage Computer Federation is a 501c3 charity
https://vcfed.org/ <http://www.vcfed.org/>
jeffrey at vcfed.org

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