[vcf-midatlantic] Steering Committee Elections - RESULTS

Jeff Salzman jeff.salzman at vcfed.org
Tue Dec 12 00:39:25 UTC 2023

Greetings all,

I'm finally just recovering from the VCF Festivus celebration this past
weekend. It was a lot of fun and there was plenty to eat and do.

During the event, we announced those who have received enough votes from
our membership to be elected to the two available open positions on the VCF
Steering Committee. Both Dave McGuire and Jason Perkins reached the end of
their term. Jason did not opt for a nomination in this year's election.
Dave McGuire was an incumbent nominee.

With the election results tallied, the two open positions will be filled by
(in no particular order):

Thomas Gilinsky
Ian Litchfield

We, the Steering Committee, want to personally congratulate and thank both
of them for running for the open positions and winning the election.

Dave McGuire, Marcus Mera, and Dave Shevett, we thank you for running in
the elections. Next year, there will be at least three open positions for
the VCF Steering Committee, you are encouraged to throw your hat in the
ring at that time if you wish. The same goes for any mailing list member
who wishes to run for Steering Committee positions next year.

On behalf of the VCF Steering Committee, congratulations to our newest
Steering Committee members, and here's looking forward to a new and
exciting direction for VCF in 2024!

Jeff Salzman
VCF-MA Steering Committee

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