[vcf-midatlantic] VCF East 2024 Atari Classroom

Dean Notarnicola dean.notarnicola at vcfed.org
Thu Dec 28 22:43:31 UTC 2023

Being that it’s the 45th anniversary of the release of the Atari computer
and continuing the still popular 6502 theme, I will be doing an Atari
classroom similar to the Apple classroom that was done two years ago.

I have a quantity of Atari computers that I am reconditioning in advance of
the class, but I’m anticipating that I will be needing more working units
of any of the Atari 8-bit family.  My ask is that if anyone has machines to
sell/lend/donate for this effort, it would be greatly appreciated.

As well, I welcome any teaching assistance from anyone who has experience
with Atari BASIC and/or assembly language. The courses will be similar to
the Apple classes with beginning and advanced BASIC/assembly and an
overview of the system architecture.

Thank you,

p.s. - Planned for next year is a CoCo classroom to give the 6809 some
love, so I’ll be bugging everyone again at that time  ;-)

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