[vcf-midatlantic] Yet another electronics surplus company is going out of business:

Bill Degnan billdegnan at gmail.com
Wed Jul 5 17:13:12 UTC 2023

The hacking and vintage computing hobby has grown, not shrank.  There are
difficulties getting parts overseas.  Is there not enough market in the us
for parts suppliers?  Or is it that we're continuing to see consolidation
due to amazon and Alibaba?  So let's say the market is at least
steady...should we be blaming ourselves for using amazon?

On Wed, Jul 5, 2023, 12:47 PM RETRO Innovations via vcf-midatlantic <
vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:

> On 7/5/2023 11:25 AM, Ethan O'Toole via vcf-midatlantic wrote:
> >
> >> Yet another electronics surplus company is going out of business:
> >>    https://www.allelectronics.com/
> >
> > My childhood involved their catalogs and planning out projects based
> > around their surplus parts.
> >
> > Bummer!
> >
> >             - Ethan
> >
> As was mine.  I even have some of the stuff still in original plastic
> baggies from them (projects I never got around to complete)
> Jim
> --
> RETRO Innovations, Contemporary Gear for Classic Systems
> www.go4retro.com
> store.go4retro.com

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