[vcf-midatlantic] Yet another electronics surplus company is going out of business:

Sentrytv sentrytv at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 5 18:04:15 UTC 2023

When I was in the television business between 1980 and 2000,
I used to order parts from Universal-Semi conductors,
which was up in Sparta New Jersey.
I even met the owners Orrin and Adele.

I once had a conversation about purchasing their business, many years ago of course, 
I could not do that purchase at the time.
“They” sell on eBay, I’m sure it’s not the
 original owners.
But they still have components that I could use on the old TV -VCR stuff and more!

Mike R.

Sent from:
My extremely complicated, hand held electronic device.

> On Jul 5, 2023, at 1:17 PM, Jeff Galinat via vcf-midatlantic <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
> I have bought quite a few items from them over the years. I hit the retail
> store in Van Nuys when my wife had a conference in San Diego. I got a bunch
> of S-100 edge connectors for $1.75 each.  I also hit C & H surplus in
> Duarte, CA on the same trip and bought a bunch of stuff but they also
> closed their storefront. The still have an eBay store though.
> I also hit Apex Electronics in Sun Valley, CA which  is still open.  I
> bought a bunch of IMSAI style front panel switches (removable black paddle)
> and a box of S-100 prototyping boards. So if you are in the LA area and
> love treasure hunting through racks of boxes up to the ceiling and a big
> tech junkyard in back, Apex is the place to go and it’s still open for
> business.
> Jeff Galinat
>> On Wed, Jul 5, 2023 at 1:44 AM Jeffrey Jonas via vcf-midatlantic <
>> vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
>> Yet another electronics surplus company is going out of business:
>>    https://www.allelectronics.com/
>> After 56 years supplying surplus and new electronic parts and supplies,
>> we have decided to call it quits.
>> We expect to close our doors before the end of August, 2023.
>> I depended on them, BG Micro and others for great parts and really low
>> prices.
>> They regularly advertised in electronics magazines (Popular Electronics,
>> Radio Electronics, Nuts and Volts).
>> Any news if Bee Lancaster will continue selling on ebay?
>> -- jeff jonas

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