[vcf-midatlantic] Sun IPX questions

Richard Cini rich.cini at gmail.com
Thu Jul 20 11:23:36 UTC 2023

Thanks Glen. There is an entry in fstab for it now that you mention it, mounting to “/pcfs”. If I do an ls I get nothing. I’d have to look at the file tonight to get the exact line but it’s something like “/dev/fd0  /pcfs  automount,0,0”. So you might be right on that.


Long Island S100 User’s Group

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From: Glenn Roberts <glenn.f.roberts at gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2023 7:18:03 AM
To: vcf-midatlantic <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org>
Cc: Richard Cini <rich.cini at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [vcf-midatlantic] Sun IPX questions

It’s been many years since I ran a network of Suns but one thought is to try dd on the floppy drive just to see if you can stream bytes to the raw device. Also I seem to recall that automount was normally running on this machine trying to automatically mount a disk when inserted? So maybe check that you’re not butting heads with the automount process?  30 years of cobwebs may be clouding my brain …


Sent from my iPad

> On Jul 20, 2023, at 6:20 AM, Richard Cini via vcf-midatlantic <vcf-midatlantic at lists.vcfed.org> wrote:
> All —
> I recently picked-up a nice condition Sun IPX (used to control a wafted stepping machine) and it largely works perfectly. I’m no Unix expert, but there are a couple of things I can’t seem to get working so I thought I’d ask the group.
> Printing — The IPX runs SunOS 4.1.4/Solaris 1.1.2. I have two networked Canon printers at home and both supposedly work with IPP/LPD but I can’t get any output. I have the IP set in /etc/hosts and what I think is the right definition in /etc/printcap, but no success yet. If someone has gotten this working let me know. I also thought about using a Raspberry Pi as a CUPS server but I haven’t gotten that working either.
> Floppy — can’t seem to get this working either. It passes the rudimentary diagnostics in OpenBoot, but I’ve tried mounting it from the shell with no success using the “pcfs” modifier.
> Anyway, if someone with Sun experience could nudge me in the right direction I’d appreciate it. I’ve put up a web page on my site with details of the machine.
> Thanks!
> Rich
> http://cini.classiccmp.org/
> Long Island S100 User’s Group
> Get Outlook<https://aka.ms/qtex0l> for iOS

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