[vcf-midatlantic] FujiNets for Sale at East! FujiTime

Andrew Diller dillera at gmail.com
Thu Apr 11 00:01:12 UTC 2024

In addition to bringing the Atari FujiNets for the Classroom this year (which are for sale and proceeds go to VCF) I've also built and will be selling additional FujiNets for the Atari and Apple2 8-bits. I have just a couple Ataris but a bunch of Fuji's for Apple2. They are plug in play for IIc and IIgs. They require an softSP card (not included) for older Apple2s. Fujis are $60- and come with a quick start guide.

Find me in the Atari Classroom or when not in session at the FujiNet table.

There are also a limited amount of the Macintosh FujiNets available from Ben at the FujiNet table.


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