[vcf-midatlantic] VCF East Update #2

Jeffrey Brace jeffrey at vcfed.org
Sun Feb 11 00:32:07 UTC 2024

In case you missed it, the livestream update that I did is here:
https://youtube.com/live/E54oYl4d_0Y. It's about 33 minutes long.

For those that don't want to look at the stream, here is the text version:

Update 02/10/2024

Dates: April 12, 13, 14, 2024

Location: InfoAge Science and History Museums, 2201 Marconi Road, Wall, NJ

Exhibit Information -


   Exhibit manager had to quit for personal reasons. I'm taking over.

   28 Exhibits registered

   70 tables. We are full.

   If you still want to exhibit, register and you will go on the waiting

   Space may open up as I lay out the tables. There are always one or two
   exhibitors who drop out before the show.

Vendor Information -


   8 Vendors

   15 tables

Speaker Information - https://vcfed.org/vcf-east-talks/


   Guy Federkow (Recovering Whirlwind Software) had to cancel

   16 Talks, 3 Roundtables, 26 Speakers registered

   Working on roundtables:

   Jeri Ellsworth (moderator): Waiting for confirmation from speakers.

   Sean Malseed (moderator): Amiga Bill, Ash SaidHi, Lady Ailuros, Ron’s

   Frank O’Brien (moderator): Apollo Guidance Computer, Curious Mark, Carl
   Claunch, Mike Stewart? Don Eyles? Hugh Blair-Smith?



   I still need more, sign up here to be a volunteer:

   I have the Sea Cadets helping again this year.

Hotel Blocks <https://vcfed.org/vcf-east-hotel-blocks/>


   Block #1 is almost full. Very little availability. We have almost filled
   the hotel

   Block #2 ends February 16.

   Working on getting a Block #3



   New system will be done by February 29.

      Two weeks of testing and be up by March 12.

      Web and smartphone interface.

   New location in building 9031.

      Twice the size

      Separate entrance for loading and unloading.

Front Desk


   All the swag will be there.

   Organized better this year.

The Glitch Works


   Selling Kits

   Couple of limited quantity options: basically fancy displays to go with
   some of the single board computers from the past few years that were done
   at VCF Easts.

   They will come with a “Use it as a desk clock” demo program.

Merchandise for sale


   New t-shirt design almost finished

   Polos: black, gray, blue (with pockets!)

   Hoodies: Zippered, unzippered, Black, dark gray, light gray







   Special badge for those buying the 3 Day pass

   Will have new style badges with the year and color coded: exhibitors,
   vendors, speakers, vip, volunteers.

   Signed badges from famous vintage computer people.

Tickets - https://vcfed.org/vcf-east-tickets/


   Are available now via EventBrite: https://vcfeast.eventbrite.com/

   VCF Members can get 20% discount through VCF’s website:

   If you prepay for tickets, then you can come in the North Gate. We will
   have a list of prepaid people. No tickets sold at the North Gate. You must
   go to the Front Desk by the East Gate to buy tickets.

   Once you have your wristband (or badge if you are an exhibitor, vendor,
   VIP, Speaker), then you can come in the North Gate.

Volunteers -


   I always need more

   Before, during and after the show.

   Sea Cadets are helping



   Main Parking Lot.

      To the right at the main entrance.

   Overflow Parking Lot

      Around the corner and down the road on Monmouth Boulevard

      Big empty parking lot used for our swap meets.

   No parking in the Little League parking lot. No parking in Brookdale
   parking lot.



   We tried getting a food truck, but no place was interested or available.

   Plan B is to get the Firehouse museum to cook food like they did at the
   last two swap meets.

   Plan C is to do microwave cooking like we did last year.

Program Books


   We have two sponsors who paid for ads: Valente’s and Anthony’s pizza.



   VCF Museum has many changes and updates. Open Friday, Saturday and
   Sunday. Hours to be determined.

   InfoAge museums Saturday and Sunday 12PM to 5PM.



   Design will be ready within two weeks.

Atari Classroom


   We have a group organizing classes in BASIC, Assembly and #FujiNet in
   the 9059 Classroom space.

More updates on Saturday, March 9 at 6:30PM EST.

Take care!

Jeff Brace
VCF National Board Member Chairman & Vice President
Vintage Computer Festival East Showrunner
VCF Mid-Atlantic Event Manager
Vintage Computer Federation is a 501c3 charity
https://vcfed.org/ <http://www.vcfed.org/>
jeffrey at vcfed.org

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